Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chapter 14

This was a very exciting chapter!

1) How is Sadeed feeling about sending his letter to Abby? Have you ever felt like him before?

Winding Down!

Hello group!
I hope you are all enjoying reading, and learning from the book Extra Credit- I know I learned a lot from it!
I will be posting the questions for chapters 14-15 for all of you to answer. As we are reaching the end of the book (or have already reached the end of the book :) ) I want you to do the following:

I will see if I can get the questions for this book, and maybe quiz you on them...I think it will help get you prepared. Chapter's 14 and 15 will be the last two chapters that I will post questions on, and we will go over them on Tuesday (the 22nd). 

You are all such great students, and I hope you have enjoyed reading this book! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chapters 7-11 PLEASE READ!

Hello Group!!
I just checked my schedule, and forgot to mention that I will be teaching the Social Studies lesson for both classes. I just wanted to remind you that for chapters 5 and 6, there are questions posted, and for chapters 7-11- here is what you need for tuesday:

1 letter- This letter should be writte about yourself. You are writing to someone you have never met before! This person is your age. Tell them about yourself, your hobbies, about where you live- things like that. They don't know about Alabama! Be descriptive!

Kite- You should decorate your kites, and have them ready for monday. Here are some pictures of kites:

I found out that in Afghanistan, they have kite fighting competitions! The above pictures are example of kites that were used in these kite fighting competitions.
Kite fighting is a large sport. The kites used range in size from 0.5 meter to 1.5 meters across. The sport is called - Gudiparan Bazi. The line used for cutting is called tar. This was traditionally made with a cotton line and coated with a mixture of crushed glass and rice glue. Currently, nylon string with stronger glue is the preferred line of choice. A new development is using a flexible razor sharp wire. These kites can go up to 3,500 meters in height depending on the size of the kite.[2]

STAMPS: This assignment will make more sense when you read chapter 11. On one of the letters that Sadeed and Amira receive, Abby has put some really nice stamps on the envelope. She has used pictures that allow Sadeed and his sister to learn about the U.S. I want you to draw a stamp, and include a picture of something that represents Alabama! If someone were to see your stamp on an envelope, they would learn something about where you live. I will provide the paper for this project.

1 letter to your "penpal
1 kite
1 stamp

I will not assign any questions.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Question 6

Question 1-Was Sadeed tough on his sister for not being able to read the letter Abby had sent?

Question 2- Did Sadeed seem excited about the task of writing these letters?

Chapter 5 Questions

Question 1- What are the three things Abby must do in order to pass the sixth grade?

Question 2- What is the mountain range located in Afghanistan?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hello group! I would like all of you to watch this video. This is the author of our book, Andrew Clements! In this video, he is sharing with us his ideas for writing the book!

This will be Tuesdays homework!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Side note for Chapters 1-4

Awesome job on the answers!! I wanted to point something out now, so that we all don't get confused later. For chapter 1, the setting is not in a school. We find Sadeed, in the very first chapter, in the home of the headman of the village. I will be explaining more about what a headman is on Tuesday, but just wanted you all to know that that is the setting of this chapter. Also, Andrew Clements gives us a specific location about where exactly Sadeed is! - Kabul, Afghanistan. We will be talking about all of this on Monday, but just wanted to point it out.

Great job so far!! I can't wait to read the rest of the answers!